Set Apart for a Purpose

This past week as I was studying for Sunday’s sermon, I came across a few verses that took new life for me. Here’s what I read:

17Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth. 18As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world. 19For them I sanctify myself, that they too may be truly sanctified. (John 17:17-19)

The term “sanctify” is a bit unusual. The average American rarely uses or reads that word. What does it actually mean? The word literally means “set apart.” The idea comes from Jewish temple worship. The priests would have instruments and items that were set aside for use within worship. They were set apart for a purpose.

In our house, we have some items that are very similar to those ancient worship items. When we got married just over 15 years ago, we registered for fine china. We knew that we would be inviting friends, family, church members, etc over to our house. We wanted to make sure that we had nice dishes with which to serve them their meals on. We went to the department stores and registered for our favorite pattern, Hancock by Lenox. It really is a beautiful place setting…and we had people who loved us enough (or felt bad enough for Kitten that she was marrying me) that they actually bought us some of these dishes. Now, 15 years later, I can probably count on one hand how many times we’ve used those dishes. In fact, it’s been so long since we used them that I’m not even sure where they are. (Don’t worry. I’m sure Kitten has them safely tucked away somewhere.)

Our Christian lives can become like that. We are called to be set apart for mission. However, sometimes we just end up setting ourselves aside rather than being set apart for a purpose. How has God equipped you? What gifts, talents, resources has He given you? How are you using them to bring Him glory?

Tim Keller, pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian in New York City, said when examining this passage, “God never pulls you in to bless you without sending you out.” May you live this week as ones sent, with a purpose and a passion to help those far from God experience Jesus.