
Global Leadership Summit Leadership Learnings

Global Leadership Summit Leadership Learnings

Global Leadership Summit Leadership

Global Leadership Summit Leadership

Global Leadership Summit Leadership

Global Leadership Summit Leadership

I recently saw Craig Groeschel conduct an interview. In the interview, he made the statement: “Discipline is choosing what you want most over what you want now.” As soon as…

Leadership Learnings

Yesterday afternoon, we got nearly six inches of snow at my house. I know for some of you, this might just be a normal Monday in the winter. In our…

Leadership Learnings

My wife and I have sat down in our living room each of the last two weeks to engage in the civic discussion. We have turned on our television to watch the debates. Both times, we could not stomach what we watched play out before us. Decency, respect, rhetoric skills had been traded for barbed jabs, the hunt for the soundbite and way too many ad hominem attacks.

As I was processing the debates (or lack thereof) with a group of friends this morning, I played out for them a vision for what I would love to see in presidential debates. I would love a format that allowed the candidates time to express what their compelling vision for the office included. I would enjoy a time where the candidates were asked the tough questions by each other and they had to answer or squirm in awkwardness. I would like for them to respectfully listen and then when it was their turn, to respond with analysis and facts.

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These notes were taken live during the conference. Please excuse any typos, grammatical errors.

Global Leadership Summit Leadership